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Raspèin Project

University of Bologna. Cesena Campus

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI)

Welcome to the Raspèin Project homepage. The goal of this project is to build a very cheap computing cluster using 32 (hopefully, 64) Raspberry Pi boards interconnected with a Fast Ethernet network. The boards are housed in a chassis made of Lego bricks.

The Raspèin cluster will be very useful for both teaching and research purposes. For example, it will be used for the design and evaluation of Parallel And Distributed Simulation, Parallel Algorithms and for the aims of the Smart City Lab.

The assembly of the Raspèin cluster is currently in progress. Its construction has been possible thanks to the financial support of Ser.In.Ar..

<fc #dd3333>For daily updates on the building of the raspèin cluster please see the construction diary section.</fc> When finished, the raspèin cluster will be on public display at the Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria e Scienze Informatiche, Via Sacchi 3, Cesena.

raspein/index.1386235627.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/05 09:27 by gdangelo

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