====== Simulation Software ====== | ^ Description ^ Topic ^ ^ [[pads:artis|ARTÌS]] | Advanced RTI System | //Parallel and distributed simulation middleware// | ^ [[pads:gaia|GAIA / GAIA+]] | Generic Adaptive Interaction Architecture | //Migration based framework for adaptive parallel and distributed simulation// | ^ [[pads:lunes|LUNES]] | Large Unstructured NEtwork Simulator | //Efficient simulation of complex protocols on top of large scale, unstructured networks// | ^ [[pads:ddm|DDM]] | Data Distribution Management | //Implementation of efficient matching algorithms for the High Level Architecture (HLA) IEEE 1516 DDM// | ^ [[pads:erlangtw|ErlangTW]] | Erlang Time Warp | //Implementation of a Time Warp simulator written in Erlang// | ^ [[pads:go-warp|Go-Warp]] | Go Time Warp | //Implementation of a a Time Warp simulator written in the Go programming language// | ^ [[pads:pascas|PaScaS]] | PArallel and distributed ScAle-free network Simulator | //Efficient simulation of gossip protocols on scale-free networks// | ====== Other Software ====== ^ [[pads:dilena|DiLeNA]] | Distributed Ledger Network Analyzer | //Efficient download and analysis of DLTs// | ^ [[segodoc:start|SeGoDoc]] | Secure Google Docs | //Content cloaking: preserving privacy with Google Docs and other web applications// |